Sheesh, why you care

About WolfSmoke


Last Name:Like I am really gonna give that out.
Location:MN, USA
Nicknames:TB(teddy bear) and The Counselor
Height:About 5' 8"
Weight:About 160lbs now.
Race:Asian(Korean really)
Pic of Me:A lot of ppl have been asking for my pic. I finally got some new pics of myself and put the up. Check the ppl pics page!
Astroligical Signs:Pisces & Dragon
Place of Empolyment:Cub Foods
Sports I Played:Hockey&Soccer
Sports I play with friends:Football*grunt*and vollyball
Single or married:Single and have been for over 6 yrs now
Music I like:Tis better to list what I don't like. I don't like most rap, gospil, and polka. Yes folks I like some country.
Medical Wrongs with meBi-polor(or MD), Anixety Attacks, Lack of Self-esteem, Bad Knee's, and A Bad Back
Things I like to do:Write, read, taking long walks, spending time with friends, solving other ppl probs*lol*, singing, working on my web pg, and just relaxing.
Games:I have a playstation which I like RPG(Role Playing Games
Fav Games for the Playstation:Xenogears, Final Fantasy 7, Azure Dreams, Wild Arms, Suikudon, Diablo, Final Fantasy 8, and Duke Nukem
Brand of Ciggies:Marlboro Reds
Pets:yeah..*grabs pet rocks*Whoo hoo
Fav Foods:PASTA!!!!pizza, and asian food(go figure)
Fav Drinks:COFFEE!!!!*grabs coffee iv and puts it in* SoBe,& Dr. Pepper
Fav if you couldn't guess.
Fav Colors:Green&Black
Fav Cartoons:Jonny Bravo, Daria, Family guy
Fav Cartoon Characher:Jonny Bravo, Jane&Daria(Jane more though), Taz, &tigger
Fav Car:not a car, truck. Dodge Ram*does the Tim Allen grunt*
Animi Series:Sorcerer Hunters & Slayers
Fav Things to say:I see said the blind man. And your point is? Oh ok. Yupperz. sheesh. interesting. SEG(s**t eating grin)&BLAH!!
Worse habit:too many to count, so here are just a few. Crack knuckles and neck, don't care for the most part about myself, and drink too much coffee*lol*
ICQ:have me for the number. Try to keep my list down again. I once had over 250 ppl so you can understand. And my old ICQ number is gone!