People I consider friends

PPL I like talking too!


In no Order so don't get offended, and if you do....

Autumn(aka Sex Drawf):Bea, what to say about bea. The one person who wouldn't let me worry about me even if I wanted to&did. The way we started talking still makes me laugh. If ya wanna know just ask her. The only person who I would stay up and talk to even if I was completely exhausted. I will miss talking to ya even more then you know bea. You always could make me laugh even if I felt like crap. Beatrice, I love ya hun, and never close your heart. No matter what happens, you have a great heart and should open it more often.

Valleria:Vall has been a friend online for a while, about a month after I started going to the dungeon we became friends. She knows me better then I give her credit for. She always wanted me to write more stories about myself, and more poems. She always did let me stay in my dark corner, even if she did want me to open up more. Thanks for always being there valleria, Love ya

DarkBlossoms(aka ggls):Abby, she is a person a lot like me. Scary as that might be. I haven't seen her in a while, and that is cos we are on at different times. But none the less, we have been good friends online for a while now. I hope that your relationship is going ok for ya abby. I always could seem to make her smile, no matter what was going on. Interesting huh. Abby, I love ya, and if ya ever need someone to talk to you can give me a call. Ever.

The Lizard King(aka Kim):Kim I must admitt I first thought was a guy, sorry Kim. But it is true. Anyway, kimmy is kewls to talk to.

Deleria(aka Kirsten):*wonders where she has been?*Anyway her and ggls are two ppl who I have missed talking to on a regular basis. They both used to have ICQ but now*shrugs*don't know. Kirsten was over in the US(even though she live in Europe)and was living with abby(at a dorm). I will miss the insane but always funny conversation, and also you and me worrying about how abby was.*weg*

Morticia:Morticia, where to start with her. She at times could be the most insane person(worse them me even). But also could carry on a converstation with ya if that is what you were looking for. That made her a good friend cos she knew better then to take me seriously at some time. And she also knew that if she ever had a problem she could turn to me. *thinks of a certain problem that was an ongoing thing*uhg, anyway, I miss ya Mort and here is a pic to remember ya by(or me which ever ya choice*lol*)Runs With Scissors

Lady Of The Damned:*hands you the wolf puppys again*Tag, your it! I know we don't see eachother all that often, but you always did have a sence of sick humor.

Midnighty(aka NORMAL GIRL):NORMAL GIRL, ok sorry wraith told me to call you that so it just kinda stuck with me*shrugs*. She was always kinda quiet and did the dissappering act rather well. But non the less she is an old dungeoner. And though she hasn't been online to often, I still consider her a good friend.

Shadow(aka bri):*pulls his wolves out of her&lol*sorry had to do that. ok, maybe I'm not sorry*weg*. She and I didn't seem to get the chance to talk all that much, but when we did.....boy did we. About anything that just happened to be on our minds. She always stays darn invisible on ICQ that you never know when she is on to prepare yourself. But she always will be a friend

Lyllith:She was the third person who I got on ICQ. If that tell ya anything. She does, and always will have the best damn web site that I have ever or will ever see.

Emalthia:She is somebody that I only talked to on ICQ. Well, for the most part talked to on ICQ. We used to have deeply involoved converstation. But she isn't online much cos of school and her mom wanting to be online too.

Lady Death:I just recently meet her, but she is kewls. She is the g/f of Rhea, and old dungeoneer. They are a great couple from what I know. She is somebody who I like to talk to cos she can hold a conversation(even if they aren't serious ones at times).

Black Raven:BR as I call her, well what to say about BR. *tickles ya even more* She went away for a long time but is now back so that is really kewls. I started talking to her when I first started coming around to the dungeon. And now that she is back I am learning more about her then I ever knew. She is another person who I would consider a very good friend.

King of Swords(KoS):KoS I don't see all that often anymore. He used to give me a pack of ciggys whenever I saw him. One of the first ppl who I started talking to in the dungeon.

Celtic Angel:Holly is an old dungeoneer who I have seen in a long time. She is a nice person to talk to and was the first person who I learned the IRL name. She is a really go person to talk to and I consider her like my little sister.

Delerium:An old dungeoneer who I haven't talked to in a long time. I miss her! She was really kewls to talk to, and was always there if ya needed her. She hasn't been in the dungeon in a long time, and hasn't returned any emails. So if you know how I could get in touch with her. Please tell me cos I would like to.

Viridienne:A new dungeoneer who hasn't been around that long. She is one of my newest dungeon friends who I like talking to. But don't cross her cos she does tend to get defensive about her friends. But she is a good person to talk to(even if she is married*weg*)

Ardentsprite:(raq)She has been off and on everyone now and again. One of the first few members of the dungeon clan that I became friends with. She is always fun to talk to, though I haven't talked to her in a while. It seem she has found a life, and doesn't have much time for the net. But I still consider her a good friend and somebody who I could joke around with.

Alien Sex Fiend:(keri)An insane person who has this thing about calling me Smokey Joe*wonders why that is*. She can keep a normal conversation going while in the dungeon being completely off the wall(something that I do too, go fig)She is kewls and when she is bored, watch out for she might do something really strange to ya.

Tally:Tallywog....she isn't online to much but always was one I knew I could find out stuff from about the dungeon. But she doesn't seem to talk to much, which I do so I guess that is why I consider her a friend*weg*

Deflowered Mary:(ange)She is one person who I hold up cos of what she goes though with her family. She is kewls and always a good person to talk to. I have know her since I started going to the dungeon and consider her a friend even if we don't talk to eachother all that much*weg*.

Blood Doll:(Lauren)Blood doll and I have something in common. We are both quiet in the dungeon. Funny thing is that when I started going there we started talking. Not to much mind ya, but it seem I was the only one talking to her. Later on I found out that she has been going to the dungeon for a while(longer then me). She isn't online all that much cos of school and work. But she is a great friend who for some reason cares about me(shrugs)and I don't know why. I consider her a good friend, and one I hope to keep.

Wretched Doll:When I first started going to the dungeon her and Ragdoll Whipstick were there and they usually talked to me. One of the many. She is the one who introduced me to the band London After Midnight which I am greatful for cos they are a good band. She is alway one to talk about anything about. But as of lately we have been talking to eachother more cos most of the ppl we used to talk to aren't there anymore, so it is like we only know eachother. I have gotten to know better over the last few months, and she is kewls.

Nikki Doll:(Tina)She is the mom of the dungeon, and it takes a lot to make her mad at ya.(hasn't tried to though)But as of late she fell on some hard times but things are better. She is one person who will always talk to ya no matter who you are. So she is a good friend.

Crimson Angel:(aka Malice Bliss)She is an old java dungeoneer who I just meet up with resently. I consider her a good friend and she always seems to be in a good mood. I don't see her online very much but when we do talk, it usually is for a long time. She can be off the wall, or completely serious. Depends on what is going on. She is one of the few ppl who I wouldn't mind meeting IRL.

BlackKat:An old friend from the dungeon who has not made an appearance in a long time. I miss her and hope she is doing ok. She and I used to talk to eachother when nobody else seemed to talk to us*weg*. She could always make me laugh even if I was in a bad mood, and I thank her for that. If anyone knows how to get in touch with her, please email me.

Velvet Eyes:An old dungeoneer that I really didn't get to know up until lately, she is pretty kewls and fun to talk to. Though sometimes I wish I could do more to help(just in my personality to be the healer). In the last few day we have done a lot of taalking and I consider her a good friend. I hope that everthing turns out ok for her*hugz*

Banshee:(Raven)She is a good friend who I have known since I started going to the dungeon. She always seem to dissappear and then reappear without any notice dimmit*weg*. She is a good friends who I have spent many hour talking to in the dungeon. And hopefully will spend more time getting to know her*not on a relationship basis*.

JOJ:Even though we didn't talk all that much until I built her a web site, now we talk a lot. Now that it is done we talk a lot. It took a lot a willpower on my end to finish it but she was happy in the end. The addy to it isJOJ's Homepg

Madman:(aka steven)Madman, what is there to be said about him*weg*there are so many thing. He is an old dungeoneer who I used to talk to a lot. His big thing was to throw ppl into a bath of acid, and still does. He soon will be a doctor, which is kinda a scary though. He is very smart and a good person. You can have a completely serious conversation of just be totally of the wall. Either way works with him. He is back online so he is kewls to talk to.

Kindred Kiss:KK, also another old dungeoneer who I talked to every so often. She's kewls and has a really good web site(little hurt that I am not on her friends list*weg*)I have known her since I started going to the dungeon and consider her a good friend. She is really kewl one to talk to.

if I missed anyone*shrugs*oh well!