Starship Troopers is a movie that will be released on november 7, 1997 (see last paragraph for other release date). It's a $100 million movie, based on the book by Robert Anson Heinlein (1907 - 1988) with the same title as the movie. It will be rated R because of the violence, gore, blood, nudity, language etc. In that future (from the book), you've got to complete your Federal Service military service (but there is also other ways, like testing equipment on Pluto or work in hostile environment, real dangerous stuff) to become a citizen and earn the right (one of many right) to vote. Johnny Rico has decided to enlist to become a starship pilot and to follow in the path of his "girlfriend" (there are quote mark here) Carmen Ibanez, but he will be assigned to the Mobile Infantry instead. His training is now over (BTW, lots of people die during training), but humanity is at risk. An alien race (the Bugs a.k.a Arachnid) wants to exterminate the human race. The biggest war of the terran history is about to begin. Only one race can survive. Johnny Rico will go at war against those bugs. At first he does so because he must (more or less, you can resign whenever you want) but soon he realizes that he would not quit for anything.
Cast:Caper van Dien, Dana Meyer, Denise Richards, Jake Busey, &Neal Patrick Harris