Word Stickers

Word Sticklers

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
Your Village Called, thier idiot is missing.
Stop Staring at Me!
Don't Walk behind me...
I see dumb people
Stop Following me! I don't know where I am going.
Who are you to say what's normal?
Can't Sleep...Clowns will eat me
Doesn't play well with others
The whole world is going to hell, and I am driving the bus
Evil Inside
Get any closer and I'll eat you
What the hell are YOU looking at
I hate people
I hate you
Individuality should be encouraged, not condemned
In my world, you don't exist
Legally Insane
My Mom says I'm special
Normal people scare me
Thank you for not being perky
Quietly plotting my revange
I am a little black rain cloud
Runs with scissors
Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative
Some things exist whether you believe in them or not
Stupidity should be painful
Suck being you
I'm thinking the same thing about you
You all laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you are all the same
You're just jealous because the voices talk to me
Tin Foil
Fairy light
Once a Freak
Completel Idiot
Why stare
Roses are red....
Not all who wonder are lost

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